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Meta ads, social media advertising, Facebook and Instagram ads

We are launching Meta Ads – Facebook & Instagram advertising

A new era for Adfreak has taken shape and lately I've been spending a lot of time studying social media advertising. Much to find out what has happened since I chose to focus solely on Google, but also because I noticed that there is a need among my customers.

With that being said, I have something really exciting to share today!
Adfreak has launched its new service: Meta Ads.

In this post I wanted to highlight why this will be a game changer for us and our customers.

Why Meta Ads?

We live in an age where user behavior online is constantly changing. As a rule, customers jump around between different platforms several times a day. In connection with this, advertisers need to keep up with these developments, especially if they want to be able to convey their messages seamlessly across channels.

That Google offers incredible opportunities for advertisers, not least when it comes to showing their products and services at the right moment. You who read my article Google Ads: not just search ads, can gain insights into which areas can be covered through the buying journey with Google Ads. Social media sites like Facebook and Instagram come right after on the list of the most used sites online. In this way, it is also a strategic decision by Adfreak to offer help with advertising in social media. Partly because we see a great need, but also because we can add value to our customers.

The behavior

User behavior in these channels is also quite different compared to Google's own channels. Those who surf the net, read news, do research, etc., use the internet in a purposeful way. If the content is not relevant enough, it can easily go unnoticed by this user. I want to draw a comparison with driving a car on a highway, where you only notice things that are important.

In social media, users have a different behavior and mindset. They are not there to look for information, but rather in "relax mode" where they consume the content of the feed on their own terms. The comparison here is that they "cruise" around with the car instead and notice everything around them. Therefore, it is much easier for the user to consume the content that appears in the feed.

This is how we will work with Meta

Adfreak's advertising on Facebook and Instagram will have a clear goal. We strive to be able to do the following:

  • Arouse interest in new target groups
  • Drive traffic
  • Engage new and existing audiences
  • Prompt users to perform specific actions
  • Collect user data
  • Create needs
  • Accelerate purchase decisions
  • Develop community
  • Care for existing customers

Yes, you hear!
We take control of the marketing funnel and will now create engaging ads with customized messages through Meta Ads. Our technical and creative understanding of how to use the channel we have noticed is lacking in our industry colleagues.

If you already feel that you are interested in this, you can read more here: Meta Ads

The future with Adfreak and Meta Ads

We're really excited about what the future holds for Meta Ads. Therefore, we see this as an opportunity to grow together with our customers, to learn together and to constantly strive to exceed expectations.
It is a great privilege for a digital geek like me to be able to develop our clients' online presence in a technical and creative way.

We want to help you understand and use everything that Meta Ads has to offer, and thus make your business flourish. If you are an e-retailer, you can take advantage of our 10 years of experience in the field. If you work with leads and want to reach out to potential customers, we have experience in highly competitive industries.

So join us on this exciting journey into the future of digital marketing. Together we can create something truly amazing.