Advertise on
Facebook & Instagram

Reach new and existing target groups on Facebook & Instagram with engaging campaigns that create interest and increase your sales.

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Home / Meta Ads



Advertise on Meta

Maximize your visibility with Adfreak - your Facebook and Instagram agency. We create ads in social media that reach the right target group and engage. With a well-thought-out digital strategy, we can increase your brand awareness and sales.

Success stories

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Combine multiple channels

When you choose Adfreak as a digital advertising agency, you get help with a complete digital strategy.
We create tailored ads with customized messages that span the entire buying journey.

Price example

Get a quote in a couple of minutes based on your business needs.


Choosing the right Meta partner

When choosing a partner to advertise on Meta Ads, it is crucial to find a partner with in-depth knowledge of the Meta platform's unique algorithms and audience segmentation.

It is also important that the partner has a proven track record of successful campaigns that demonstrate the ability to deliver tangible results through increased reach, engagement and conversions


Retargeting on Meta Ads

With a well-set up tracking of your website, we can create target groups of your visitors.
Read more about tracking here

We then target customized ads with call-to-actions (CTA), with the aim of reminding your visitors to complete a purchase, book, request a quote or to learn more about your services/products.
Each user thus receives customized content with the right message based on their actions on your website.
Your existing customer lists are uploaded in Meta Ads and thus we can re-engage your existing customers.

Dynamic retargeting for e-tailers

Upload your product catalog and show your website visitors relevant products they've shown interest in with dynamic product ads on Facebook and Instagram.
Read more about digital marketing for e-tailers here

website tracking


This is how it works

Analysis & strategy

We start every collaboration with careful planning. By understanding your business goals, your target group, your strengths and challenges, we create a tailored digital marketing strategy that will cover the entire buying journey. Let's grow together!

The customer journey is longer than ever. Digital strategies matter


Our onboarding process is smooth and engaging. We collect materials from you, install the necessary programs and create campaigns that will meet your goals. We are here to support and guide you through this entire process.



Collaboration is the key to success! We believe in open communication and continuous improvement to maximize results. With high competence and great commitment, we are your reliable partner for digital marketing.


Ongoing development

By constantly analyzing data, A/B testing campaigns and optimizing content, we learn what works and what needs improvement. We have good insight into user behavior online and can thus adapt communication and advertising with fast, agile marketing methods, which is our hallmark.

Want to get started with Meta Ads?

Here are some suggestions for companies that can get good results with us:

E-commerce or a service company.

Existing business and want to take your business to new levels online.

New business and needs a tailored strategy.

Need change and improvement of your existing marketing.

Looking for a long-term, strategic digital partner.

Does this sound like you? Then write a few lines and let's get back to you shortly!

Antonio-Markovic Specialist in digital marketing

Antonio Markovic
Digital Marketing Engineer
010-641 24 14

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