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Smart strategies: Save big on this month's advertising

As a marketing agency, it is critical to our clients' success that we manage their budgets effectively.
No one likes the idea of unnecessary advertising costs, but it can often be difficult to distinguish between which money is actually contributing to real benefit.
Even when a campaign is going well, it's critical to know which methods produce the best results and how different techniques work together.

How do you determine which channels generate the high-quality leads your customers need? And how do you prove it?
With good tool by your side, you can get better insights and you don't have to guess anymore.
It's important to clarify exactly what works and what doesn't, so you know where to put your marketing dollars moving forward. Finally, a simple redistribution of the budget can save your customers tens of thousands of kroner.

So, how can you refine your marketing strategy and cut unnecessary costs in your advertising? Let's dive into the best tools and methods to reduce your cost per lead/customer and increase your return this year.

Tip 1: Understand your true ROI

One of the biggest challenges for agency marketers is limited insight, which can significantly impact decision making.
Without a holistic view of marketing performance, it becomes difficult to identify which channels are performing best and which are underperforming. This is a challenge for many companies as it requires knowledge of website tracking

However, with the right tools for tracking and follow-up, we can gain valuable insights into campaign performance and change our strategy to avoid wasting money. These methods save our clients huge sums and above all, the results improve!

So, how to proceed? Let's examine more closely we can prove the real return of campaigns.

Disadvantages of multi-channel advertising

You would think that the bigger the digital presence a brand has, the more successful it is, right? Not necessarily.
It is important to expand one's online presence, but it is possible to be seen "too much" and to "the wrong target groups". It's one thing to market yourself on multiple online platforms, but how can you determine if they're actually adding value to your business?

Track & optimize for maximum campaign performance

The solution for Adfreak is simple: We can track and optimize our campaigns more effectively through advanced analytics tools. These tools allow us to connect each lead to a specific channel, helping us reduce marketing costs on inefficient social platforms.

“When making decisions about how to allocate your marketing budget, proof of ROI is critical. We got that evidence using our analysis tools.”

- Antonio Markovic, founder of Adfreak


How to discover your channel with the highest ROI

With comprehensive data, you can:

  • See which sources and keywords generate high-quality leads.
  • Identify which paid ad campaigns are driving the most calls to your business.
  • Improve customer service through call recordings to identify opportunities for staff training and coaching.
  • Accelerate sales and drive ROI more effectively.

If you're ready to prove—and improve—the value of your marketing techniques, it's time to incorporate advanced tracking methods into your marketing techniques.


Tip 2: Extend your data collections beyond Google Analytics 4

For businesses with multiple locations, tools like Google Analytics 4 can only provide a limited view of your marketing efforts.

But what if you need to track the origin of leads contacting your business by phone? As businesses increasingly rely on phone calls as a valuable touchpoint for customer interactions, it becomes even more important to diversify your data sources.

The limitations of GA4

While Google Analytics 4 definitely has its benefits, it also has its limitations.

Some of the most notable challenges include:

  • Complex data transfer.
  • A new reporting interface.
  • Fewer attribution models.
  • Limited data collection.

For Adfreak, the limited data provided by Google Analytics makes it more difficult to make decisions, as it does not provide a complete picture of user behavior "off-page".

However, by collecting data from multiple sources, including call recordings, we can combine it and get a better picture of our marketing efforts. 


Tip 3: Increase campaign results with AI-enhanced analysis of call data

Companies that receive a large number of inbound phone calls through their marketing campaigns often struggle to effectively and accurately qualify these leads.

However, outsourcing this task can become costly and increase the total cost per lead. To solve this, we deployed call tracking technology combined with advanced AI-based conversation analysis. As a result, we now save a lot of money.


How to use AI to unlock Data within your calls

The conversation analysis uses AI technology to analyze your conversations and turn your conversations into insights that are easy to act on.

This advanced technology can:

  • Automatically record and transcribe all your phone calls with near-human accuracy, so you can easily develop your FAQ pages with frequently asked questions.
  • Easily identify keywords and phrases in every conversation for automated insights and analytics.
  • Define rules to automatically classify calls when specific call criteria are met.


Automate your analysis & achieve higher precision

With an advanced analysis tool, you get more precisely:

  • Keyword identification
  • Automatic labeling and qualification of leads
  • Segmentation analysis

You can automatically filter and categorize your phone calls – for example, if a call from a first-time caller lasts more than 60 seconds, you can immediately know that it is most likely a qualified lead and automatically categorize it as such.

By eliminating the need to manually listen to calls and categorize them, you can stop overpaying providers to analyze their call data.

Now you can get a better return on your marketing efforts and retain more customers because they also achieve better ROI on their click-based campaigns. And now even multilingual transcriptions can help agencies overcome language barriers between clients and their clients, regardless of native language.