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3 Google Features to Help You Find Last Minute Christmas Gifts Online

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How Google can save your last-minute Christmas shopping with new features.

Not sure how to get your Christmas presents in time? Google has the solution!

With Christmas fast approaching, it's not uncommon for us to find ourselves in a last-minute Christmas gift panic. Fortunately, Google has announced new tools that can help procrastinating Christmas gift hunters. Learn how to use these features and give your business, and your customers, a stress-free Christmas.

How Google's Last Minute Christmas Gift Tool Can Help Your Business

Having access to these tools can be a real lifesaver for both your business and your customers. Here are some of the benefits:

  1. Faster shopping: The "Get it by December 24" feature helps customers quickly find available products.
  2. Package tracking: With package tracking, both you and your customers can keep track of delivery dates.
  3. Easy return policy: Google now displays store return policies directly, making it easy for customers to know their rights.

In conclusion, these Google tools can help significantly reduce the stress and delays of last-minute shopping during the holiday season. By using these features, businesses can improve their customers' shopping experience, while quickly selling their products.


Google continues to adapt to users' needs, creating tools and features that make life easier, especially during stressful times like Christmas shopping. With these additions, we as digital marketers can gain insight into ways to improve our customers' online shopping experiences, which ultimately leads to better business results.